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I really like the game but at some point it sems impossibel

Yes. I can't pass level 9.


Finally got around to play this game. I remember playing a pre-release version of the game and then abandoned it because I wasn't feeling it, but now I've completed it in its entirety, I can say that it's very, very clever, and the puzzles only get better and better.

I like the fact that rather than having one specific core mechanic and hook, this game has multiple unique and seemingly irrelevant mechanics at play. While you can argue that some of those are more 'core'-y than others, like the portals, all of the mechanics just work so well together that they feel equally important. I believe the game did a good job bringing all these ideas together and exploring them to their fullest potential.

All in all, great game, strongly recommended.

(2 edits) (+3)

hey, glad you enjoyed it so thoroughly! it really takes quite a bit of work to beat all the levels; glad you came back to it.

sometimes it takes me two or three tries with a game before it digs its way into my brain, too. i kind of love that feeling -- where i go "i would like to like this" to finally "i get it and i love this". i like exercising that intentionality about media, or really just anything in my life. if i just went w/ my initial reaction the world would be so much bleaker. digging past the surface is often very rewarding.

i have adhd and the eclectic nature of my games is not lost on me -- i lean into it because i've realized channeling that part of myself gives people a little window into my experience and sharing that feels very valuable to me.

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does this have any edge case where it would infinite loop like in baba? did’t find it so far

(2 edits) (+1)


contents: review and a bugging question

[rot 13]

fb v'ir orngra nyy 50 "abezny" yriryf (fperj lbh, yriry 1)

v srry gung guvf jnf n ernyyl jryy qrfvtarq tnzr. rirel yriry npghnyyl qbrfa'g ercrng (va grezf bs pbaprcg), rira jura gur yriryf ybbx fvzvyne (rfpncr naq uvtu svir). gur fbyhgvbaf jrer ernyyl uneq gb svaq, ohg fbzrubj ernyyl rnfl gb ercebqhpr bapr lbhe qvfpbirerq gur "pyvpx" va gur pber bs gur chmmyr.

naq bs pbhefr, gur synve! abg eryngrq gb gur tnzr ohg v ernyyl yvxr ubyqvat n xrl naq yrggvat zl punenpgre onat vagb n jnyy... fb shaal :) abg bayl vf gur yriry qrfvta tbbq (vapyhqvat gur "erghea gb yriry 1 guvatl"), gur tencuvpf ner ernyyl avpr gbb!

guvf jnf n terng tnzr, ernyyl. juvyr v'z gnpxyvat yiy 51 (gung'f zl anzr sbe gur erghea gb yriry 1), v'yy or cynlvat fbzr bs lbhe bgure tnzrf! jhzchf jhzc lbh vf ernyyl sha gb cynl, ohg v'z ybbxvat sbe fbzr bgure sha chmmyr/cyngsbezre tnzrf... pbageby gur obql ybbxf vagrerfgvat naq shaal

ohg jung qb lbh qb va yiy 51??? v haqrefgnaq lbh unir gb hfr gur "erq pvepyrf" gb qb fbzrguvat, ohg v'ir gevrq chggvat vg orfvqr gur tenirfgbar naq chfuvat vg (abguvat unccrarq, ohg v znl or qbvat fbzrguvat jebat)

zl frpbaq gubhtug vf gb gel gb chfu bar bs gur cbegnyf, ohg fbzrubj v pna'g rira qb gung! (nf nyjnlf, v znl or qbvat fbzrguvat jebat; v'z jbexvat ba gur cbegny gung vf ng gur obggbz evtug bs gur qvzrafvba evtug bs gur tenirlneq)

zl oenva vf ernyyl oheag... (yhpxvyl v qvqa'g trg n urneg nggnpx! un un...) fb sbe abj, v'yy or cynlvat fbzr bs lbhe bgure tnzrf! v'z nyfb qrfvtavat n tnzr bs zl bja (cngevpx'f cnenobk + tvir hc gur tubfg + fbzr fbxbona guvatl gung v unira'g pnzr hc jvgu n anzr sbe), naq v ernyyl gunax lbh sbe gur vafcvengvba gung lbh unir tvira zr (naq fgvyy pbagvahr gb tvir). lbh'er n terng tnzr qrfvtare. qba'g fgbc perngvat tnzrf, cyrnfr...

Omega_3301 :)


what a sweet review -- thanks omega! that's very flattering.

not sure if you were able to figure out the end. i can give you a few hints. they'll get more explicit each bullet point down.

  • gurer'f n pbeare-pnfr zrpunavp va gur tnzr gung unfa'g orra "hfrq" hagvy guvf cbvag (nygubhtu v'q or fbeg bs fhecevfrq vs lbh unira'g frra vg). lbh arrq vg va guvf yriry.
  • gur zrpunavp vaibyirf gjb gryrcbegref.
  • gur tubfg jnagf gb rfpncr guvf jbeyq.

if you're still stuck, here is the explicit instruction on the goal of the level (but not the steps to solve it):

  • lbh zhfg chfu gjb pbaarpgrq gryrcbegref gbtrgure arne gur tenir. guvf jvyy pnhfr gurz gb rkcybqr naq qrfgebl gur tenir.
(1 edit)

ooh, interesting! seems like my "loophole" wasn't a loophole after all!
now time to get the portals out... how hard could it be?
by the way, could i get an idea of how hard this is (relative to the other levels)?

now i understand why there is so much empty space...... time for some fun!

it's can be tricky but it should be easier than some of the levels in the 40s. certainly easier than level 50.

Ok, this should be fun!

First thought: (like 1 minute thoughts)

-v cebonoyl unir gb hfr gur 2 erq guvatf gung ner haybpxrq nsgre v svavfu nyy abezny yriryf (qhu)

-v guvax v unir gb hfr gur snpg gung v unir 2 ragenaprf (Nsgre fbyivat gur abezny chmmyr,  v unir 2 jnlf gb ragre gur ertvba jvgu gur cbegnyf)

-v guvax vg nyybjf zr gb ragre n cbegny gung unf orra qvfnoyrq, gura chfu vg nsgrejneqf

Time for the final boss! (And then move on to control the body)

(1 edit) (+1)

i'm stuck on level 24...
here's what i found out:
[rot 13]

-gur cbegny zhfg or qhcyvpngrq, naq v fraq zlfrys guebhtu gur cbegny gb trg gb gur bgure fvqr (jvgu gur k gbb)

-v qba'g guvax v fraq nalguvat ryfr onpx (be fraq zlfrys onpx)

-v'z abg fher nobhg guvf ohg v qba'g guvax vg'f cbffvoyr gb qhcyvpngr zlfrys be nalguvat bgure guna gur cbegny

-gur cbegnyf ner "zhygv ynlrerq"; gur gbc evtug cbegny yrnqf gb n qhcyvpngrq irefvba bs gur cbegny orsber pbclvat

-v arrq bar k sebz gur cerivbhf ynlre naq bar sebz gur nobir ynlre, gubhtu v'z abg fher ubj gb oevat vg sebz gur cerivbhf ynlre (fperj gur oernxvat oybpxf)

i'm pretty sure that some of the points i listed is wrong though

could i have some hints about how to continue? (or if my approach is correct at all)

btw, this is an amazing game, love this thing
frustrating but fun


there's a sneaky trick to this one, haha. you're close!

let's say your third bullet is wrong and see if that's enough of a hint. if not, lmk


turns out you need to [rot 13] (reveal the hints in order, for anyone who is stuck on this level)

-lbh arrq n k sebz gur cnfg naq shgher

-gur qhcyvpngbef pbcl gur cerfrag fgngr bs jungrire vf vafvqr gur cbegny

-gur k sebz gur cnfg vf uneq gb trg hayrff lbh unir gur gevpx

-cercnengvbaf, qba'g fghss gur k va gur cbegny naq qhcyvpngr

-lbh unir gb trg gur k bhg bs gur jnl (naq ernql gb fraq vagb gur hccre evtug cbegny) jvgubhg fgrccvat ba gur pehzoyr oybpxf; guvf vf qbar orsber qhcyvpngvat

-vs lbh tb guebhtu gur cbegny lbh jvyy chfu gur k va n cynpr jurer lbh unir gb hfr gur pehzoyr oybpxf; guhf, lbh pna'g qb gung. vf gurer nabgure zrgubq?

-ubj jvyy qhcyvpngvat lbhefrys nsgre fghssvat gur k va gur cbegny uryc?

thank you so much for your help!

(1 edit)

and escape is also hard
i think pulling one x from the future is the hard part now

but maybe 2 from the past? idk aaaaaaaa

ok i actually need hints

currently gave up on level 25 and working on level 26 "in series"
it feels easier to approach

Deleted 1 year ago

here's what i found out about level 25:

-gurer vf bayl bar jnl lbh pna pebff gb gur bgure fvqr, fb vs lbh jnag gb qbhoyr onpx, lbh arrq gb haybpx gur 2 "4" ybpxf ng gur obggbz

-zl ceboyrz vf gung vs v haybpx 2 bs gur ybpxf, gur ynfg ybpx vf vzcbffvoyr gb ernpu (v'yy unir gb gnxr nabgure 4 sebz gur arkg cbegny ohg gung arrqf 2 4f gb oevat onpx)

-guvf vf whfg n thrff, ohg qb v arrq gb hfr bar bs gur qvzrafvbaf gb fgber gur 4f? (naq v guvax gurer vf ab cbegny chfuvat urer)

-v guvax v znl or noyr gb chfu gur ahzore oybpxf ol sbezvat n 10 4 10... punva fb v qba'g unir gb fgrc ba gur pehzoyr oybpxf

it's definitely the hardest level so far

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